Upcoming Travels

Thank the Lord for His goodness once again during these busy Christmas holidays. Please do pray as I will be heading to Columbus, GA to preach at a Youth campaign where they are expecting around 500 unchurched teenagers. It is totally evangelistic in focus and needs much prayer for the salvation of souls! Then please pray as from there I will be heading all the way up to Moyock, NC for their Sunday services for an evangelistic campaign as well. The Lord has opened many doors and I am just so excited to be in the right place for all of these changes!!


God is still at Work!!

Well, for the first time in a long time I think I will be in the same state longer than one week!! Praise the Lord for His goodness in doing the impossible once again. My fiancee is moved out of her apartment and will be coming on part time staff at my home church until the wedding. Please pray as I am looking for a job during these Christmas season when I am not preaching in many local churches.

God also has encouraged my heart once again by having a pastor let me know that there were about 40 young people or so in his Sunday services as a direct result of the youth revival almost a month prior. And also praise the Lord as another pastor led his daughter to the Lord last night and the Lord had been dealing with her heart since the revival months back and she just made a decision. These are decisions that remain and God gets all the glory.

Please keep us both in your prayers as MANY decisions still need to be made concerning the future!


Getting Ready for a Wedding

Thank the Lord for his saftey provided up and down the highways here in the past weeks. The Lord blessed with great services in La Grange, GA and the Sunday evening service with Pastor Richardson in Mobile, AL. The Lord has definitley been very good during these days. NOW after over 2,000 miles of travel in the past two weeks the time has come to slow down and get these wedding things on the move. Please pray for finances, safety, and grace during these exciting yet very busy times!! The Lord is to be praised for how He has totally transformed my life in these past months.


LaGrange GA and a Blessing

Thank the Lord for his safe traveling mercies to La Grange. I drove by 9 accidents on the way down due to the storm. I am at Oakside Baptist Church at a Missions Conference with Pastor Steve Curry. Also on a different note but a HUGE blessing, that the Lord has provided a tenant for my fiancee's apartment!! PRAISE THE LORD this is an enormous answer to prayer and give God all the glory for it. Please pray for the ministry and the still upcoming plans concerning the wedding. Thank you so much for your prayer support!!

A New Sermon Available

First I want to thank the Lord for the 24 people saved in the last week and a half, it truly has been amazing to watch God at work. There is no explanation but that of His amazing grace. I want to also let those know who follow the ministry that I have been trying to get more sermoms available upon my website,  slowly but surely they are coming. The new message, So, you wanna see a miracle encourages us all in an area where we struggle the most and that is unbelief. I hope it is a blessing to you!!



Praise the Lord for His goodness and grace over these past very busy days!! In one week the Lord allowed me to preach 15 times 5 different locations. Although it was very busy, there were about 15 that were saved as well!! God is so good as He also saved my little soon to be niece during the second night of the revival!! That was such a blessing!! Now I am in VA celebrating my fiancee's birthday before heading back to Wilson,NC for another campaign. These are definitely good days and God has been good. This is a link to my facebook page to see some of the pictures from the Youth Rally at Grace Baptist. Thank you again for your prayers!!



NC Revival

I thanking the Lord for answered even this morning. God is so good and now as a new day approaches I look forward to things getting kicked off tomorrow in Wilson, NC at Bethel Baptist Church. The revival meetings begin Sunday and end Friday. During the mornings Lord willing I will be preaching at Wilson Christian Acadamey on Tues. and Wed. These are great days to serve the Lord. Definitely looking forward to God doing a mighty work in this upcoming week. Please pray as many wedding plans are continuing to be made and that God's hand would be evident in them.

PA Trip

Well, thank the Lord once again for His goodness and grace. God certainly has been blessing in many ways. The recent youth campaign in PA was a blessing many young people were challenged in areas of their lives concerning the decisons they make. After preaching there in PA, God blessed us with the opportunity to go back to that church for a revival campaign later in '10. Please do pray as it becomes busier these next weeks because I will be preaching eight days straight between two states, preaching multiple times many of the days. Its very exciting but also very busy. Thank you for your prayers as we continue to labor for Him.

CA trip

Well, thank the Lord for all of His blessings!! I just got back from CA and met some pastors out there on my visit, which turned out to be truly a blessing. Me and fiancee went out there to visit some of her family.(I decided to try on some of her brother's military equipment, hence the pic below) He is being deployed to Afghanistan, therefore, we went to be a support and encourgement to his wife and kids. Now as we look toward the future, please do pray as many, many decisions need to be made ministry wise as well as looking around the corner for a wedding. Please pray as the next stop in Waynesboro, PA next weekend for a youth campaign. I have never been out that direction, but Lord-willing God's hand will be upon the meeting!!



Next Step

Well, the Lord has been blessing and now the next stop is Greenville, SC to preach a revival for Pastor Willy Thompson. Looking forward to it, I met Pastor Thompson while preaching at Harvest Time Bible Camp in Shelby NC and this will be my first time at his church.

Well, to those prayer supporters please pray as a wedding comes together for January 2, 2010 that me and Tabitha will be able to secure housing by a good sound church. We have been pursuing many doors and we are just looking for the Lord's direction and timing in the matter. And do pray for me to have more meetings in the earlier portion of 2010 it seems to be calmer area as far as meetings are concerned. Thank you again and may the Lord bless you!!

Engagement Annoucement

Now that the summer has now come to a close there are many things that I must get caught up on. Thank you so much for all those that have faithfully kept up with my travels via facebook and other means. By God's grace it is my plan that my website shall now be very much updated with the latest decisions and ministry moves.

The most recent and exciting move concerns my engagement to Tabitha Kay Lucas. She is from Newport News, NC and shares the vision to reach the young people of this world for Christ. She is a godly and beautiful young lady that God has seen fit to bless me with. I have posted a picture to let you see how amazingly blessed I am. If you would like an invitation just post a comment with your address or send me an email at vburden1611@gmail.com.   The date is set for January 2, 2010

Newest Ministry Direction

 Important Ministry Update:

ROA LOGO gold.JPG  I would like to extend a special thank you to all those who have uplifted me in prayer and financial support over these past incredibly busy months! With well over 10,000 miles covered and scores coming to Christ, I would definitely say glory to God, and thank you again for your support.

 The purpose of this letter is two fold. I would first like to notify you that I will be resigning from Rock of Ages Ministries. God has tremendously used the ministry of Rock of Ages to accomplish many things in my life. The experience within prison facilities and other institutions has increased the depth of my burden for people young and old alike, and for that I am eternally grateful. The people I have met and the knowledge I have gained during deputation is another experience that I would not trade for anything else in the world. These experiences will last a lifetime; therefore I will always have a great appreciation for the ministry of Rock of Ages. My vision and motto for my life remains unchanged, simply stated: To reach as many people possible in one lifetime for the glory of God. God has used Rock of Ages to get me started in that direction however God has now changed my plan and focus to a different avenue.

Secondly, I want to quickly relay to you the direction in which God is leading. In the recent months, between much travel, much wise and godly counsel, and many other events that a simple letter cannot convey, God has led me into full time evangelism. I will be conducting evangelistic campaigns as well as youth rallies across the country and the world. This evangelistic ministry commissioned by my local church been organized under the name of “Burden Ministries.” Further information concerning the vision and the structure will be sent later or can be a requested by a call or email at the locator information above.

This is all very exciting, but now more than ever I am requesting prayer for all of these changes within the ministry as well as changes on a personal level. As an answer to prayer, God has seen fit to bless me by bringing into my life a beautiful, godly young lady who shares my heart and vision concerning the ministry. I am making this known not as an entertaining conversation piece but as a matter of prayer. If God sees fit to make her my help meet a whole new type of responsibility will open before me, as I have now ripped every security blanket that I have held tightly to, and am stepping out totally by faith to fulfill what God wants me to do. I NEED YOUR PRAYERS! Prayer and financial supporters, I love you and may God bless you!  

Under Construction

Thank you for visiting the website, there are many facets that are still being worked on. I am currently working out all the bugs to make this website a fast easy source whereby one can follow what the Lord has been doing here on the road. Thank you for your concern for the ministry and May the Lord Bless you!!


March Update

As I begin to unfold the happenings of the ministry, I want to praise the Lord for His wonderful protecting hands. Since my last letter, the Lord has enabled me to travel over 12,000 miles presenting the work and preaching to young people across the nation. God’s protecting hand was evident in snowy Arizona when the vehicle I was riding in spun out of control into the oncoming traffic. We shifted back and forth till we smashed into a guard rail bringing us to a stop! In God’s providence the vehicle lost control at THAT point, for if it had been 1,000 feet back there was no guard rail and a steep cliff awaited our doom. So this incident has made me more aware for the need of prayer support. Of course, I realize monetary support is needed, but monetary support is only part of the big picture. However, I do want to say thank you to those who are monetarily supporting the ministry. By God’s grace, it is my heart’s desire to use every penny given to the ministry wisely for His service.
God has continued to open more doors of opportunities to reach troubled young people across the nation. A statistic that I read continues to burn in my mind. It stated: 1 in 8 black young men between the ages 18-25 are in some type of detention center across the nation. Of course, I have a burden for people no matter what color they are, but this rings hard in my mind because that statistic refers to my age group, and it is by the grace of God that I am not there. That burden for those behind bars and those young people that are clueless about the direction for their lives is escalating as I continue to travel across this nation. Now more than ever is the time to stop complaining about the young people of this generation and do something about it.
God has answered my prayer concerning the purchase of prayer cards. I am enclosing a prayer card and if you would like more cards please do not hesitate to send me an email, and I will send you some as quickly as I possible. I pass these cards out very freely, for I know that prayer moves the very hand of God. It has been said: When man works, man works; but when man prays, God works. This is God’s work and I am a just happy servant doing what He desires of me. Please help me pray as I continue God’s call for my life in the Juvenile Department of Rock of Ages. Keep in prayer my safety as I travel many miles and also pray as I still need to acquire a projector and other missionary materials that I have not purchased yet. Please also pray as I raise money to make some international evangelistic trips as well. Thank you and may God bless your continued labors for Him.
In Christ,
Adrian Burden