Hurtful things said in ignorance are still hurtful.
Ask pregnant ladies, ask parents of children with special needs, ask people who are different culturally, simply ask ANYONE that is different than you if hurtful statements have been ignorantly hurled their direction. A comprehensive list of things said between a white culture to black culture would be incredibly helpful I am sure, however my brother wrote a list of 10 very common things said (within a black and white culture church context) that are statements that do not really matter, BUT they really do. Here is the link… ARTICLE
Our vocabulary and demeanor should not build barricades between us and our neighbor but rather bridge a gap that is naturally there. Two of the great enemies of a prejudice mindset would be genuine love and curiosity. Instead of dismissing or being insulted of the habits of certain culture, it would be of a greater help to love them, believe the best, and be genuinely curious about their position. It surprisingly sounds a lot like I Corinthians 13. For example, some may take these articles as biting, negative, and spiteful while some may leave curious trying to understand a world that possibly they have never seen. My mindset matters, your mindset matters and it makes its way out. So does our skeptical mindset seemingly not matter right now if only we feel it on the inside, well…I guess not, BUT since it will come out does it really matter…YES…it most certainly does. Some things SEEM to not matter but they really do.