Christmas Already...

I want to say a special Merry Christmas to all those faithful prayer and financial supporters.

Its been quite a year of transition of furthering the ministry, preparing for fatherhood, moving from place to place, etc.., but we would not change this year for the world. The Lord has grown us and taught us so many things during these times.

The meeting in Wilson, NC at the staff banquet of Wilson Christian Academy was a blessing indeed. The cordial reception made it very easy to relax and preach as well. God was good during the meeting.

Now we are back home doing as most our doing awaiting the visits of family and loved ones. Many are coming to us since my wife is 6 weeks from her due date she is not traveling much these days.

  Please pray as the new year unfolds many more opportunities. The beginning of January Lord willing, I will be heading for Cleveland Baptist Church with Pastor Folger for the kick off to their Christian school second semester.

Merry Christmas