Camp Willow Run Wrap Up

Last week the Lord gave us the opportunity to be a Camp Willow Run where we did have a profitable time. The camp's original design was incredibly intriguing. The beautiful Lake Gaston view is prominent as you make your way on to the property, but what is the most original is that the cabins are actual railroad cars. The boxcars are remodeled on the inside and on the outside they maintain their rustic look. It was quite neat.  

Well besides the scenery and all of the place the Lord blessed with 4 souls receiving Christ. God gave boldness as I preached to the young people gathered. There were about 133 and it was the High School Class of Faith Christian School. Thank the Lord for the opportunities He allows for us to serve Him.

Now we made it back home and it is all about packing, packing, packing. Pray for us as we try to  be out of our house now by Sat. Sept. 25th.