The updates have been scarce but that has not mean we have not been busy. We have been in Cantonement Fl for a week at Gulf Coast Baptist Church for VBS. It was a smaller VBS but the spirit definitely was not lacking to any stretch of the imagination. With a group of kids who professed to be saved we dealt heavily with missions and encouraging them to consider the mission field. God is dealing even with these young lives with the possibility of being a missionary for Him!
After Florida we headed up to Georgia to be at Refuge Baptist Camp in Carnesville, GA, but on the way we stopped in Montgomery, AL at Fannin Road Baptist Church with Pastor Jim Lester. We love the folks there in Montgomery, AL and visit them whenever we have the chance, and I had the opportunity to preach there for their Sunday services while visiting as well!
We arrived this past week at Refuge Baptist Camp and had the opportunity to meet and fellowship with many pastors from across GA and other states. Decatur Baptist Church hosted the event and I had the opportunity to preach some of the services and sessions along with providing games and activities for the young people.
Its been a busy busy month and there looks like there is no end in site, so we need your prayers for us to keep going on!