Wow, what a whirlwind of a summer! Time has flown by for our family and probably for you there in ministry!
The entire summer travel spanned from as far north as Vermont and New Hampshire and all the way down to FL and all in between! Praise the Lord though, from the VBS's, revival, and camps that we had opportunity to take part in there were around 90 saved this summer. All glory be to God! We just finished a 13 day preaching trip that consisted of 4,500 miles and preaching 20 times as well. The Lord has significantly opened more and more doors for ministry.
Not only were many saved throughout the summer and beginning of fall, but more spiritual commitments were dealt with.
Literally scores making vows of purity, many staying accountable to their leaders for their cell phone usage, facebook, etc.., scores also who got right with their authority, teens surrendering to God's will, surrendering to attend a Christian college and the list goes on.
Many have written off the present generation, but there is so much more fruit and potential this generation offers, may we be faithful stewards of nurturing them along!
A couple of prayer needs:
-We thought we had a truck and though the plans were ready, the Lord closed the door. So we need a truck and praying for $6,000 for a truck that we have our eyes on.
-Please pray for Jasmine and her asthma that seems to flare up at different times on the road.
-Pray as well, as we hope to present the missions aspect of Burden Ministries at Missions Conferences to gain support to take the work overseas. Invitations abound and we would love to take part in these ministries.
God bless you for your support and prayer for our family!