Honduras Update

Wow, what a trip it has been thus far. I have internet and I'm in El Progresso, Honduras with this update. It has been an incredible journey thus far. Pastor Chris Birkholz of New Hope Baptist Church in Torrington, CT and I have been traveling together on this trip to see the works here in Honduras. We just finished preaching in La Esperanza near Santa Rosa with Missionary Ronnie Doss. He's been on the mission field for around 23 years and has already started 22 churches, a Bible Institute, and an orphanage with around 130 kids as well. The work there is phenomenal, and I was thrilled to have a part in it. The Lord blessed with an opportunity to preach two different times. The last time I was able to preach there, there was a man who had threatened the life of Bro. Ronnie who was present at the service and the next morning after the service he was under conviction got things right with Bro. Ronnie. It was such a blessing to see God work in that way!

After many more incredible provisions and experiences we headed to El Pregresso with Missionary Matt Goins. I had the opportunity to preach the Sunday morning services and a youth activity at Iglesia Bautista El Faro. We are in the process of visiting Hope Children's Home here in Honduras under the leadership of the Coates family!

Please continue to pray for us, during our visit here in Honduras!!