March/April Update

PAST          What a fruitful. and rewarding last couple of months. As many know, the Lord opened the door for me to go to Honduras and work with Missionary Ronnie Doss as well as Missionary Matt Goins. It was a blessing to be able to preach at both locations, and it was a special blessing to see God work. On Friday night, a man who had made threats on Bro. Doss’ life came to the meeting that I was preaching and God used the message to convict him to the point where he made restitution with God as well as his pastor. After that event the national pastor requested if I would be willing to preach a revival in their village in the fall. I agreed with joy and am looking forward to ministering there in La Esperanza this October. Souls were saved as well on the trip for which we give God all the honor and glory for that.

PRESENT       Amidst the international travel, this has been the season for revivals. Our family has traveled from Oklahoma to Florida to Vermont and all in between. God has blessed with a GREAT spirit in each of them. I know it might be trite to say the meetings have gone well, but do understand there is no way that a prayer letter can convey God’s hand moving upon a congregation. During the Oklahoma revival it was encouraging to see a wife and husband saved during the revival then getting baptized and joining the church two weeks after we left. Praise the Lord! We had a particularly great revival in St. Albans, VT and Indiannapolis hearts were ripe and ready and there was great liberty to preach. We have prayed not to just “spin our wheels” in evangelism, but to see God work in amazing ways, and the Lord has answered that prayer for sure. 


FUTURE     Well with the summer drawing nigh, we look forward to a full summer of ministering to young people via VBS’s and camps etc. The Lord has opened doors for ministry all over from Kansas to Georgia to Michigan and all in between once again. This typically is a fruitful time of year concerning souls and we pray that would definitely be the case this year as well. Also the Lord has opened doors for international travel for not only in Honduras but also in Hong Kong and Fiji and we hope by the grace of God we will have the opportunity to be involved with those places.