As always the summer has proven to be the busiest yet the most fruitful time of the year. Trying to encapsulate in a paragraph all the camps, VBS’s, and revivals is in an impossibility. Seeing around 30 kids, teens, and adults come to Christ, receiving embraces of parents who have been praying for their teenager’s salvation, watching as teens audibly weep over the souls of their friends and loved ones, responding to texts messages of teens begging for counsel of how to live for God, and last but not least taking 17 people to Honduras to experience first hand missionary life. Yes, all that was squeezed into three months! Thank you so much for those who have prayed for us because the summer definitely was fruitful.
We have been back in the states for a couple of weeks now, and trying to catch our breath between meetings. I encourage you to read posts on our website concerning the Honduras trip itself and look on social media at the hashtag #missionstripbm. Praise the Lord we are able to pull our trailer to the majority of our meetings now, and that has made such a huge difference in the stability and the comfort level of my family. My wife has thoroughly enjoyed cooking and cleaning her own place after almost five years of living out of a suitcase.
The schedule during the fall is looking to be great one with Christian School Revivals, Revivals, Youth Conferences, and even Camp Meetings. Please be in prayer as we seek the Lord’s will to increase our overseas influence and involvement. The Lord has placed a definite passion for oversea works and we want to be wise how we proceed, please pray with us about this matter.
Camp Meeting at Fannin Road Baptist Church Old Fashioned Sunday