Western Excursion Begins..

The Burden Family has set out a 3 months excursion. We left Edenton, NC about 2 weeks ago and we plan on seeing home again Lord willing in May. The states we are heading to range from FL to AZ to VT, so basically the entire country. The Lord has been so gracious to us to open so many doors of opportunity to us. 

Our major prayer requests center around the Missions Trip to Honduras we are planning for this August. Lord willing. We have 3 churches represented at this point, and looking forward to see what the Lord is going to do through the missions group.

Also please pray for Jasmine who has been sick recently, but still has been a trooper in the midst of sleeping in 4 different beds in 4 different states this week alone!

Keep us in your prayers, God bless! 

The picture to the right is from Jasmine's 3rd birthday party