October/November Update

Pray!! Pray!! That is what I have heard repeated in reference to our nation and for our churches. We are asking for fervent prayer warriors on behalf of the ministry as well. This fall we have been tested in many areas and we are beckoning Gods people to pray for our family like never before. 

Spanish Language school is quickly coming around the corner and the Enemy is trying to derail what God has called us to do. It has been a blessing to see the Financial goal thermometer go higher and higher At the time of this letter we stand around 3k dollars away from our goal.  Our prayer is to exceed that amount because of some lodging changes that had to be made during the application process. We have been overwhelmed by the amount individuals who have stepped up and been such a blessing to us, it has meant so much to us.

The preaching schedule has been fantastic, we have been involved in many missions conferences and challenging churches about world wide missions. Although tears and filled altars do not directly indicate God's Spirit being always evident, the responses to the messages particularly during Missions Conferences have been very encouraging. 

Specific prayer requests include obviously language school, but also for the selling of our trailer. Last year an incident occurred making our 5th wheel not fit for the travel schedule we maintain. We have prayed much and believe it's time to retire it, please pray we can get a small amount for it therefore we can look to purchase another in the very near future. Our family is staying encouraged and faithful in a large part by those who are reading this letter right now, God bless and thanks so much!