Many questions arise on what our ministry in Nicaragua entails.
Adrian are you an Evangelist or a Missionary??
Why not BOTH...a "Missionary Evangelist"
This picture shows how our schedule is broken down in percentages of times in a given calendar year. The reason for "Missionary Evangelist" is because we are supported similar to a missionary during the yellow 25% time frame while overseas. Currently we are around 60% of that goal, and that is why in the fall we preach and present in Missions Conferences.
While we are overseas we do what we do in the states, strive to see people saved and exhort churches to godliness. Our prayer is that we might have enter a new level of effectiveness by learning Spanish but in the mean time, I still preach and teach through translators till we reach that point of preaching in the native tongue.
To answer some questions out there, we are not permanently here in Nicaragua its the open door God has told us to minister to and hone our Spanish. Every year may be different or could be the same, I simply am a free agent before the Lord. In the United States we do not solicit or ask for meetings, we pray that God has the pastors that believe that we can help contact us. They do and its not man pushed but God ordained. The exact same is true for international ministry. We have open hearts and God directs our steps to individuals or ministries that we can help. Every year is different because we are the free agents and God is the owner. We live by faith, and we thank God he has directed our steps for the past 10 years. Psalm 84:11
During these beginning days of the transition, we by faith make overseas moves and we have seen God provide. Thank everyone for their prayers!