Big Change for the Burden Crew.
The overwhelming majority of my married life, it has been the RV life. We are very thankful for our past RV’s the Lord has provided for us to keep our family together during the very important years of the development of our children and the establishing of ministry.
Today we said goodbye to our faithful Travel Supreme friend. After 8 years, of RV life we took a step of faith and looked for a home in Raleigh. Though we still plan on traveling as a family full time, we were finding the RV was not sufficient to take the ‘neglect’ we gave it during our days of being away out of the country and out of the state.
The little mice that invaded our trailer aided the speed of our decision 😁…but there were many factors that made us choose this path. I am thankful for a wife who loves the Lord and me therefore she has rolled with such a unique life for all these years.
As a matter of prayer, we are currently homeless 😁…which is a joke, but kind of not. We are living in an Airbnb in Raleigh till we can find a place of our own. We have a VERY promising lead that may become available after Christmas, but we have nothing in writing as of yet. Our kids only know RV life therefore after we moved into our very nice 3Bedroom Airbnb house, the very first day they are planning ‘sleepovers’ in each others rooms 😆. They are always together, and so they feel it is must to stay in the same room. It’s been a roller coaster week of emotions, but we are thankful to the Lord as He has given us enough light to take the next step!! God bless!