Tomorrow makes 4 weeks of us being here in Honduras. Just yesterday I asked the pastor what a ‘normal week’ looks like, to which he replied, “What is normal?” Before this trip I thought he would be speaking tongue & cheek, however he is dead on. I love getting into a groove…however I have learned that ‘my groove’ may not be happening. Sometimes you must be content with the fact that you ran errands that day, and it took you 6 hours to get medicine for your child, a hook to hang towels, and some band aids for the family. It’s the reality that things are just not accessible and you must learn to get around the town. As a man, who admittedly can be addicted to productivity, this has been a learning curve like few other things. This past Sunday, we had torrential rain which caused flooding in the church building. We had one main service with everyone and the rest of the afternoon consisted of digging a trench and creating a barrier for the water to quit seeping in. You just never know what a new day holds. We are thankful that as a family we have grown closer together. We laugh at our own Spanish blunders and we work together like never before. Thank you for praying for us as we serve here at Iglesia Esperanza for His glory.