Late February Update
I am not sure what happened to February but no matter how I feel about it, it is almost gone. Public speaking in Spanish has been quite the challenge, but I am thankful for the opportunities to communicate here in Honduras. This past weekend was a ‘power packed weekend.’ Between the Couples Banquet, to the Saturday Bible Club, to the heavily evangelistic Friend Day, it has been a busy ministry weekend. Unfortunately our neighbor and other friend did not show up to the services however it was great to see all the other guests and visitors that came out. It also has been a special blessing that as a family, the kids are talking less and less about the language barrier. Even though they do not understand most of what is said, they have learned to adapt and play with the kids and essentially ‘do their thing’ even though they do not fully understand all the happenings!
This week I am preaching at a church about an hour away from where we are ministering for the week. We are anticipating a great week of ministry as we serve the Lord with a Pastor that we met while preaching in Puerto Cortes, Honduras last year. One thing is for certain on the foreign field…you do not lack for things to be involved in. We are thankful for those who consistently pray for us, God bless each of you!!
Early February Update
Our time here is moving rapidly. Things that takes us an hour or two to do in the states can take up to an entire day here, so it makes our time here move even faster. This past week we had the opportunity to assist in the Come Away conference. This conference is designed for missionaries in the immediate Central America area for a time of renewing and refreshment. Dr. Pettit spoke to the adults and I worked with the kids during the Conference. This conference plays an important role in missionaries lives. When you are constantly giving, it is good to be refreshed with fellowship and preaching especially when it is in your heart language.
On a personal note, Jasmine celebrated her 9th birthday here in Santa Rita, this is the 2nd birthday she has spent in Honduras. God has continued to give us ‘adjusting grace’ even though we just killed the 1st scorpion in our house, we are still getting into the “honduran norm” and making strides in making Santa Rita our home away from home.
4 Weeks into our Honduras Trip
Tomorrow makes 4 weeks of us being here in Honduras. Just yesterday I asked the pastor what a ‘normal week’ looks like, to which he replied, “What is normal?” Before this trip I thought he would be speaking tongue & cheek, however he is dead on. I love getting into a groove…however I have learned that ‘my groove’ may not be happening. Sometimes you must be content with the fact that you ran errands that day, and it took you 6 hours to get medicine for your child, a hook to hang towels, and some band aids for the family. It’s the reality that things are just not accessible and you must learn to get around the town. As a man, who admittedly can be addicted to productivity, this has been a learning curve like few other things. This past Sunday, we had torrential rain which caused flooding in the church building. We had one main service with everyone and the rest of the afternoon consisted of digging a trench and creating a barrier for the water to quit seeping in. You just never know what a new day holds. We are thankful that as a family we have grown closer together. We laugh at our own Spanish blunders and we work together like never before. Thank you for praying for us as we serve here at Iglesia Esperanza for His glory.
Getting Settled...
Thankful for the vehicle the Lord provided last year through a generous church. It has already carried us to visitation here in Santa Rita.
It has been over a week here in Honduras for our family and we have been thrilled to jump in with both feet. Our family has been blessed to be part of Iglesia Bautista Esperanza with Pastor Rolston and TEAM Hope. The church keeps a lively schedule between visitation, teen events, ladies meetings, and other children classes and actives. These are all opportunities that we have to get involved in. Pictured… is my wife and girls with our vehicle that was kindly purchased by a church early last year. In the picture we are on our way to visitation with some of the church members in Santa Rita. The vehicle has been a HUGE blessing, since we are able to go down roads that before were not possible in our economy rental car. I have sat down with the Pastor here and set down some dates of when I am preaching and teaching IN SPANISH. This is going to be much prayer and work. Lord willing I plan to start in the Soldaditos (little soldiers) kids class then Lord willing move to doing more of a role in Adult Sunday School. We are praying for much humility and patience during these times.
Please pray for getting settled into our house here in Honduras. We got everything unpacked and moved in and realized a couple of days into our stay that ticks were in the house. Not only ticks but we had an infestations of a flea like bug that literally looked like a little army that crawled on the floor every night. We had to vacate the house and have it fumigated. Currently we are staying in San Pedro (about an hour away) for a week till we can get the house pests killed and the house cleaned. This is not what we planned however the Lord has been gracious that we were able to detect them and then with the swift help of missionary friends here to get us taken care of was a huge blessing. Thanks for all the prayers! God bless!
2020 January/February
Pensacola Christian College Alumni Spotlight
September/October 2019
Summer 2019
March/April 2019
International Update ****UPDATE 3-22
Concerning international travel, I wanted to give an update about one of the needs we have going on right now. Over the past years of traveling to Central America one of the largest expenses has surrounded a transportation and a vehicle. Literally every year nearly 50 to 60% of our missions budget goes toward this and we have been shown a way to bring the cost down considerably.
Owning a vehicle negates the need for the special insurance required by the government for foreigners. Buying a vehicle and putting it under the name of another full time missionaries ministry bypasses the excessive insurance rates by Central America. Owning vehicles also gives me liberty to cross over country borders without switching vehicles which was required in the past. We have prayed much about the decision and have peace that this is the direction the Lord would have us to go. The vehicle pictured cost (including taxes and registration) is $6000 dollars. We have a relationship with previous owners and have complete confidence the vehicle will be suitable and reliable for our needs. Please pray with us about this truck and also to our supporting churches, we also ask you to consider assisting in the purchase of this vehicle. We have told the owner, please hold it for us by faith, praying and seeking that God will use whatever necessary to provide.
January/February 2019
Dear Prayer Partners,
A simple letter will never encapsulate the power packed international trip in which our family had the opportunity to serve. Whether we were investing in pastors at the “Cumple Tu Ministerio” Conference or preaching the gospel over the TV broadcast in Honduras, we were blessed to experience International Evangelism at its finest.
A birds eye view of our trip includes the following:
-The Pastors Conference in Puerto Cortez
-The Spiritual Emphasis Weekend at an orphanage of troubled teens in Lejamini
-The partnering with Medical Missions Outreach. (They specialize in medicine as a tool to preach the Gospel, in that week alone there were over 150 professions of faith.)
-The week long crusade in La Esperanza at the very first place I preached in Honduras nearly 5 years ago.
My family was with me every step of the way, as we experienced the poverty of Honduras, the challenges of international travel, and the the power of God exhibited in people’s lives.
Our monthly support is directly tied to the length of time we spend overseas. After this trip a veteran missionary advised us of many areas in which we could save major money which would then in turn allow us to extend our time in overseas ministry. He addressed housing and other needs, but we concluded that to make our price of living drop significantly we would need to purchase a vehicle in Honduras. At this point, renting a car in the country consumes 30% to 40% of our yearly international budget. In the past 2 years, my rental car fees have almost equated to the purchase of a vehicle. Since there is no insurance needed to maintain a vehicle; logistically, I could purchase a vehicle and have a veteran missionary care and maintain the vehicle in my absence and use it whenever we travel to Central America. A quality vehicle that has 4-wheel drive and can dependably carry our family hovers around the neighborhood of $10,000. Please pray about this need that I believe would help us advance the cause of Christ.
The obvious question is why is there a picture of cookie monster on your newsletter? The picture is my encouragement in the Spanish language. Currently in Spanish my grammar and word choices resemble Cookie Monster, “Me want cookie!” This can be understood most times and can get a point across. However, I believe it is fine to be like Cookie Monster during these learning days, but I do not want to stay this way in the acquisition of the Spanish language. My prayer next year is to invest in one ministry in Honduras. As I invest there, it will serve as a base for me to leave the “Cookie Monster” speech by preaching weekly to the same congregation as well as going on visitation in more familiar neighborhoods. This will serve as an opportunity to become more fluent in Spanish thereby preparing me for more of a lasting future in Central America. This process may take a while for which I am well aware, but as I strive to be transparent with our supporters, I want them to know that I take this step for the purpose of putting roots down deep to have a longer and more in depth influence in the Spanish community. Please keep us in fervent prayer as I prepare/plan to preach my first full message in 2020.
As of February our evangelism schedule is back in full swing. God has given a great in road with teenagers and we have seen great fruit in this specific area of ministry in the last few months. Our travels takes us from chilly Michigan and Indiana to much warmer Florida and everywhere in between. Please pray for our safety as we travel many miles for the glory of God.
Nov/Dec 2018 Prayer Letter
Sept/Oct 2018
May/June Prayer Letter
Official Church Change
For years our family has fervently prayed for the relocation of our home church. I privately spoke with pastors and other mentors about the large decision. We desired to be around a higher Latino population as well as a major airport to expedite our travel and provide opportunity to be home more.
After much prayer and deliberation we are thrilled to announce that we have joined Beacon Baptist Church of Raleigh, NC under the leadership of Pastor Tim Rabon.
Being in evangelism for 10 years, our family can easily spot “obligatory kindness” Pastor and Mrs. Rabon have shown such genuine love and concern for our family that it truly seems our relationship has been much longer than the 6 months we have been discussing this decision. We are thrilled to also interact with Iglesia Bautista El Faro which meets in the same facility as Beacon Baptist Church.
Please continue to pray for the ministry of International Evangelism. Our mission is still the same, we have just changed the church we are working under. We look forward to MANY MANY years of fruitful ministry together.
Top 10 Things I have Learned in 10 Years of Evangelism
#10- Love and Curiosity are 2 of the greatest enemies of prejudice.
Unfortunately in 10 years I have found much prejudice behind the doors of churches and pulpits. Some churches have a cloud of racism so thick that it can be cut with a knife however Love and Curiosity have broken down many walls. I met a woman whose son had been murdered by a black man. In a town with few black people, one could understand her apprehension to interact with me. Through loving one another and curiosity (to see and understand how did she get to that place) made all the difference in both our perspectives.
#9- The Devil is the Master of making us care about things that don’t matter
We criticize teens playing hours of video games then I watch adults, waste hours on their phone. Kicking aside their kids aside they run out every Saturday to a boat, then look at me when there teens are summer camp and say to me "straighten my kid out" We have had the opportunity we just have not seized it because we do not see it as important!
#8- People are different but actually they are the same
We all dream, we all have ambition, passion and desire. We may live in different parts of the world but really at the end of the day, we all are sinners needing Christ. Some are "good looking" sinners, some are rich sinners, but sinners nevertheless!
#7- Give your wife her own spending money!
Pretty self explanatory and seriously important. Find your wife's love language and SPEAK IT LOUD AND CONSTANTLY!
#6- Contentment ends when Comparison begins
Every preacher wants to be influential/popular! However we can become discontented with our race God has called us to, by comparing our race to someone else's race. I love Craig Groschel as he said the 'fastest way to ruin something special is to compare it' Love what God has called us to do and do it!
#5- My closest friend are the ones who love the God they serve, not just loving serving.
I have friends who LOVE to preach, though thats not bad, they are not my closet friends. My closest friends are the ones that love the One they are preaching about MORE!
#4- If at first you don't succeed, find out why
Evaluate, evaluate, every year I ask God, what do I need to improve? where do I need to change? We are always growing therefore we are always going to be changing.
#3- At the end of the day, I am a DAD and Husband
Sometimes meetings do not go well. Sometimes I become very ambitious after a great meeting of how to capitalize on this etc. But I must remember that at the end of the day, I have a calling to my family, to be the Spirit filled leader they need.
#2- The Gospel is EVERYTHING
We can get creative and fancy but at the end of the day, the GOSPEL is what is going to change lives!! The GOSPEL's Power must be shared and lived through His people!!
#1- Genuinely walking with God passionately is my Primary Objective
It's hard to sum up my primary objective, but this is it. My focus is walk in the Spirit every single day! When it comes to more sermon prep or walk with God, WALK WITH GOD wins, when my walk with God is challenged by ANYTHING, everything else must come second. If I walk with God i'll be the Husband, Father, & Evangelist, God has called me to be.