There is a renewed zeal for many to make sure every person is welcome. We all love the multi cultural tracts to pass out for a church. We enjoy seeing the college promotional pictures with one white, one black and one brown person to show forth the multi cultural acceptance. We LOVE the idea and how it looks.
People love the idea more than the reality.
The reality is there are cultural differences when you ‘mix it up’ Many desire to have that look yet not willing to compromise any part of their personal preferences or habits. Essentially we are then saying, “You are Welcome to Come, as long as you look, act, and talk like us!” We can say a person is welcome, but when you tell them to put their culture in the back seat to be part of the club that is not ‘making a person welcome.’ What if we celebrated the differences?
Disney World has mastered the art of taking the incredible parts of different cultures and sprinkling them all throughout the themes of their parks causing an overwhelming atmosphere of ‘all are welcome!” I am not purposing we take our cues from Disney World but you must at least take note that they do not have a ‘white Disney World’ and a ’black Disney World’ somehow they have figured out how to make sure every culture is not excluded. Church is not meant for entertainment, but the church still ought to transcend culture itself. Although we may not be able to dictate how the world accepts and rejects, we certainly can bend over backwards to not let our cultural preferences dominate over the worth of the person.