The Message of the Gospel must be clearly and effectively communicated to every person without any cultural or racial prejudice. II Peter 3:8-10, John 4 , John 3:16
The foundation of our lives should not be based on our personal comfort, personal upbringing, or personal pragmatic practices but in the absolute truth found in Scripture. Romans 3:1-4
The principle of Loving Others is to be valued over any political viewpoint, any cultural position, or any well-meaning personal stance that would contradict or jeopardize that principle. Matthew 22:35-40
When all the Redeemed stand at the throne of God, the emphasis on the ethnic differences is celebrated as a thing of beauty not brushed aside or ignored. Revelation 7:9-10
There is no entity, person, country, or comfort that should be greater than our commitment to the Savior. Our divine identity should be greater than any other identity that we possess. Luke 14:26-34
Any cultural ideologies that distract from the clear presentation of the eternal Gospel should be boldly pointed out for the destruction they cause. Galatians 1:6,7 Psalm 119:15 Luke 5:17-39
The ability to embrace our many diversities whether physical, educational, socioeconomic, racial, or cultural is not natural but takes a work of grace. The “glory of his inheritance” here on earth includes the beautiful reality of experiencing horizontal unity with our brethren through the power of the Gospel. Ephesians 1:18
Prejudice and Racism like every other sinful vice needs to be addressed with prudence and grace for there to be any true repentance. Matthew 18:15, 1 Timothy 5:20
The Christian’s message can be suppressed by unwise speech thereby hindering the Gospel. Therefore, whether the speech is formed in ignorance or arrogance the speech much be dealt with in a spirit of restoration to the one speaking. Colossians 4:5,6
Believers living out the Gospel should do so with great humility since it is Christ who works THROUGH us. Arrogance, gloating, harshness, and brashness are not virtues to be honored at any point in any profitable discussion. Galatians 6:1
Clarifying Sermons that Articulate my Heart on Prejudice
Any person who is married can understand that things can be so easily misunderstood. Misunderstandings complicate relationships and strain new friendships. Over the past years, I have spoken out about prejudice and racism in various forms. Sometimes I feel heard and understood and sometimes in a social media post of some kind it feels like I have failed miserably. Over the past season of ministry many have asked me thought provoking questions about the role of the church as it pertains primarily to the black community. Many questions like the following have been asked…
How can I be more effective in reaching those in the black community? Why does it seems minorities do not seem to stay in our church? Are you blowing things way out of proportion? Do you feel you have fallen into a media narrative? Are you becoming more a political preacher than a Bible preacher?…and the list goes on.
Since I was being asked the same questions nearly every week, I thought it prudent to recognize my unique perspective and start thinking in depth about what my response should be. My mission as a Biblical Evangelist has not changed and I have written in detail about what the mission is HERE. However, I was noticing a pattern of ministry leaders simultaneously concluding that there could be more to this ‘color gap’ than meets the eye.
My brothers and I started a podcast series to initially answer some of the questions that I was receiving. A few recordings in, I started noticing that these issues were so far reaching that other topics needed to be addressed. The podcast format that we decided upon was that each brother would lend their perspective to current trends and issues and my perspective would be seeing the cultural trend as it relates to the church . I believe this format aids in the explanation of certain ideas that are harder to convey in a simple lunch conversation between two ministry leaders.
My favorite feedback from the podcast is not that an individual has had their mind changed to some belief, but the greatest compliment is, “Hmm, you made me think" OR “ I have never seen it like that before.” It is not a conversation of right and wrong, but a conversation that is to enlighten understanding. Some have posed questions about my commitment to the Lord or whether speaking on racial issues rivals my calling as an evangelist. I believe I am to be committed and faithful to preach all Scripture including the uncomfortable parts. I have challenged congregations to remember the last time they have heard a full sermon on prejudice; and many people in church for 30+ years cannot recall one single sermon. I purpose to you as the reader, that something is broken! Therefore as a faithful preacher of the Gospel, the Lord has laid on my heart this specific burden; although, it is not at all the only neglected topic in Scripture, I want to do my best to not hide from the reality and ugliness of a sin that is causing so many divides in our nation and world.
Recently, I preached at my home church and poured my heart out about these matters. I will probably not speak on these matters in an avenue like this again therefore I wanted those who may be curious to understand what my Biblical basis is for speaking on these matters. I am thankful to have the support and love of my home church. These are not easy times to navigate as a believer, but I do believe the timeless truth of Scripture will be that which directs thy paths.
The Blindspot of Prejudice encapsulates why I believe the Scripture shows us that prejudice is more prevalent than we think.
Ugly Praying introduces the theme of lamenting. Lamenting with others is critical for profitable empathy with another group of people who we may not understand.
Audio Format
Apple Podcast Format
Blindspot of Prejudice
Ugly Praying
click on Sermon title to open in Apple Podcast App
The BlindSpot of Prejudice Video
Ugly Praying Video
there are some audio problems in the video form
Idea Talks: We are Listening!
Me and the Idea Day Network have the opportunity to sit down to see the church leader's role in this matter of Racial Unity. The link is…
Preaching on Racism without saying the word 'Racism'
“Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden.” ― Phaedrus
RACISM, RACIST….these are such buzz terms full of such deeper meaning in the 21st century. The mere mention of these words will conjure up political, personal, and sometimes spiritual walls. The church MUST address the underlying root of all these things. The Gospel is the answer, but in an earlier video I pointed out…”There are groups of people that will be harder to be reached with the Gospel not because the Gospel lacks power, but because there are more obstacles in their way.” Bias toward any person created in God’s image must be addressed Biblically within the church.
How are these topics addressed Biblically without using polarizing language?
I have listed 10 passages and topics that address the issue of prejudice, but go after some of the root issues.
The Root of it All- PRIDE- Luke 15:25-31 (The Elder brother)
How did Jesus deal with a Different Culture? John 4 (The Woman at the Well)
Loving a Stranger Luke 10:25-37
A Bias Belief System- James 2:8-13
Jesus came for the Hurting. Matthew 9:12
The ‘Offended’ Proverbs 18:19-26
Talk is Cheap-Faith without works is dead. James 2:14-26
You cannot enjoy your blessings and know your brothers pain.
II Kings 7:3-20
Loving your brother is NOT optional I John 2:11
Hypocritical and Ultra Critical Judging Matthew 7:1-5
Preach the Gospel, right! But May I suggest something...
Why does EVERYTHING seems to be about Race?
What Can I do? (in light of Racial Reconciliation)
Are we supposed to be 'Color Blind'?
Running Toward Racial Unity with Adrian Burden
AUDIO ONLY: ->(CLICK ON TITLE) Running Toward Racial Unity with Adrian Burden
PODCAST: ->(CLICK ON TITLE) Running Toward Racial Unity with Adrian Burden
'Black Church' & 'White Church' Part 2
I have a dream…although I steal this line from the great Martin Luther King, I truly do have a dream. It is the year 2020, and my prayer is that in my lifetime we can end the common usage of ‘white church’ and ‘black church’ terminology.
I have a dream that truth would be first and culture follows behind.
I have a dream that one day when my family are the only black faces in an Independent Baptist church it will be odd.
I have a dream that if someone is culturally different they will feel the liberty to voice their genuine thoughts and concerns to those in leadership without fear of being ostracized.
I dream of so much more, however I will leave it at those.
I do not believe there is malicious intent within the above terminology, but it is just ‘subconsciously separating’. I write from the viewpoint of the Independent Baptist movement. We sometimes can love ourselves so much that we are not willing to see a chink in our armor. Please know that I am evangelist that has nothing to gain by pointing out this chink in the armor. However, in my 16 years of traveling this country in IBF churches as a black man, I cannot say that we have put a prejudice mindset in the past altogether. It does not come up as often, but when FOX news comes on…it starts to come out. When high profile racial cases are talked about over dinner…it comes out. Most of the time with no ill will, but still ‘subconsciously separating”.
I was preaching at an Outreach Event at a predominantly white church, a visiting black man sat at the table and we all had general conversation. During the conversation, the subject turned to the NFL and the Kapernick situation. The men at the table loudly spoke their position on the topic thereby alienating the only other black man present, (who most likely was either neutral or pro Kapernick’s stand). Those men were simply saying their beliefs which is their prerogative, but had they been sensitive to another person’s culture, they might have thought through that this was NOT the time to voice this when we have visitor here for the evangelistic event. Unfortunately, the man kind of went in ‘shut down’ mode during the rest of the event, even when I was giving the Gospel presentation. I often think, just a little bit more education, sensitivity or just more SOMETHING can take these separating situations and put TRUTH in front of our personal cultural preferences.
The church should transcend culture. Although this sounds good on paper, there has been an intentional divide between the black and white culture especially in church. Therefore it would make sense that it is not going to be ‘unintentionally’ resolved, there will need to be intention to reach those who do not culturally think or speak like you. We gravitate toward those we are comfortable with, and sometimes we mistake uncomfortable for wrong. Uncomfortable could just mean God wants you to get an amazing view point of what the entire body of Christ looks like and that might be a stretching on your part. God help the church to be the church and not just the white or the black church in town.
The articles below were born as simple conversations I have had with pastors and ministry leaders. The articles are for the ones who may not think there is an issue but still wants to have all the tools in their tool box to be all they can be in relating to people. The articles are not for the critic looking to pick a fight. There is division enough in our churches and in our country. Let us prayerfully, celebrate the differences and not let Sunday continue to be the most segregated day of the week.
Are Pulpits Silent?
I pose a question to ministry leaders and influencers.
I pose a question to those who faithfully teach and preach the word of God to others.
Is it possible that we have become silent about prejudice within the church?
I hope in your church every person is welcome. No matter a persons color, status, or background. Since most churches would agree that philosophy is the DNA of their church, then many types of people would come walking through the doors. Let us say for example, that a person with a foul mouth comes to your church and that individual faithfully attended for years. Even though they are welcome to come, over the course of years and years eventually he may be uncomfortable because of the Biblical preaching that is directed toward a specific sin in their life. Though the preaching is not specifically targeting them, it is just bound to happen over the course of years of preaching that God will enable the man of God to preach concerning that specific area causing (uncomfortable) conviction. Whether he repents or not is between him and the Lord. HOWEVER the reason why I pose the above question is because there are many in Christian circles who sit VERY comfortable in churches and are blatant racist and prejudice people. I am very well aware of them because they use the N-word to me in church settings in private. I am not referring to ‘the fringe’ church member we are talking about leaders, teachers, and key lay people. If they have been in a church for 30 years or so, I must just ask, “Is the pulpit silent on these matters?” I admit, many times ignorance is on full display however practical teaching and helps need to be made.
A politically charged society concerning matters of racism may be the reason for the silence.
We must open our eyes to the reality, that it is possible that pulpits have been silent concerning our neighbor.
Bus Ministry Dilemma
Admittedly, I have no statistics of what the “bus demographic” is of the average IFB church, however after 16 years of traveling the country and observing ministries all over, I believe I can make the observation that the overwhelming majority of those who ride the bus are black. Sometimes causing a cultural shift thereby adopting the terminology of ‘them’ and ‘us’ by many conservative Christians. I have seen youth groups who have organized the game time and other activities centered around essentially the ‘church kids’ vs ‘bus kids’. Probably one of the top topics that Pastors bring up to me specifically would be about the retention of bus kids and black people within their church. Thought I do not have all the answers, I can address one area of concern with the Bus ministry as a whole.
In the past, the ministries with the largest bus ministries have been the ones to model. Though I am thankful for the ones who are seeing fruit or seeing young people saved, we are called to make disciples. Many have no use for a child who rides the bus after they are saved. It takes an insane amount of investment in that life to see fruit. Therefore, I love the ‘small’ bus ministries that have a core of young people into which they are investing their lives. It takes work to keep a ‘church kid’ grounded and walking with God, how much the more for a young man with no steady example of Christ on a daily basis. In my opinion, give me the bus ministry that has been long standing and has members in the church who used to be the ‘bus kids’. That is success, not simply a big number on the 3rd Sunday in September. This also aids in the cultural divide in the church. When the pastor is not just attending the Christian School ball games of the church kids’ but is also going to the BBQ for a young man name Jervon, then we realize we can move beyond (culturally) what we are accustomed to for the cause of Christ.
Things that do not matter BUT they really do.
Hurtful things said in ignorance are still hurtful.
Ask pregnant ladies, ask parents of children with special needs, ask people who are different culturally, simply ask ANYONE that is different than you if hurtful statements have been ignorantly hurled their direction. A comprehensive list of things said between a white culture to black culture would be incredibly helpful I am sure, however my brother wrote a list of 10 very common things said (within a black and white culture church context) that are statements that do not really matter, BUT they really do. Here is the link… ARTICLE
Our vocabulary and demeanor should not build barricades between us and our neighbor but rather bridge a gap that is naturally there. Two of the great enemies of a prejudice mindset would be genuine love and curiosity. Instead of dismissing or being insulted of the habits of certain culture, it would be of a greater help to love them, believe the best, and be genuinely curious about their position. It surprisingly sounds a lot like I Corinthians 13. For example, some may take these articles as biting, negative, and spiteful while some may leave curious trying to understand a world that possibly they have never seen. My mindset matters, your mindset matters and it makes its way out. So does our skeptical mindset seemingly not matter right now if only we feel it on the inside, well…I guess not, BUT since it will come out does it really matter…YES…it most certainly does. Some things SEEM to not matter but they really do.
Telling a Person they are Welcome VS Making a Person feel Welcome
There is a renewed zeal for many to make sure every person is welcome. We all love the multi cultural tracts to pass out for a church. We enjoy seeing the college promotional pictures with one white, one black and one brown person to show forth the multi cultural acceptance. We LOVE the idea and how it looks.
People love the idea more than the reality.
The reality is there are cultural differences when you ‘mix it up’ Many desire to have that look yet not willing to compromise any part of their personal preferences or habits. Essentially we are then saying, “You are Welcome to Come, as long as you look, act, and talk like us!” We can say a person is welcome, but when you tell them to put their culture in the back seat to be part of the club that is not ‘making a person welcome.’ What if we celebrated the differences?
Disney World has mastered the art of taking the incredible parts of different cultures and sprinkling them all throughout the themes of their parks causing an overwhelming atmosphere of ‘all are welcome!” I am not purposing we take our cues from Disney World but you must at least take note that they do not have a ‘white Disney World’ and a ’black Disney World’ somehow they have figured out how to make sure every culture is not excluded. Church is not meant for entertainment, but the church still ought to transcend culture itself. Although we may not be able to dictate how the world accepts and rejects, we certainly can bend over backwards to not let our cultural preferences dominate over the worth of the person.
'Black' Church & 'White' Church
“White Water Fountains” & “Black Water Fountains” would be considered offensive terms in our society, however ‘White Church’ & ‘Black Church’ is a cultural norm. As a black evangelist for over 10 years that preaches 90% of the time in what most would call ‘white churches’ I have been asked by pastors on many occasions of how to bridge this seemingly great divide between the black and white community. Though prejudices exist with all people groups, there seems to be a strikingly obvious divide between blacks and whites. In recent years, I have been bold in asking ministry leaders and others what we could do about this especially within our churches.
“True racial reconciliation happens through the Gospel. When we as a people are reconciled to God through the power of the cross then we will then in turn be reconciled one to another.”
The article below references the reconciling one to another. I believe there are ways that those who attend predominately ‘white churches’ can equip themselves with an understanding that will help them as they reach the black population of their community.
I have considered writing many articles upon this subject however Pastor Isaac of Capitol Hill Baptist does such an amazing job on the topic that I did not feel it necessary to re-invent the wheel on this specific issue. Though I do not know much concerning his ministry, I would say most of his points on how many black people feel within white churches are SPOT ON!
I realize some may view my thoughts as negativity, but if we say we are constantly growing in our walk with the Lord then maybe we should take note that this is an area God might choose to grow us in! My overall goal for voicing these matters is not just to see everyone’s church be more diverse for ‘diversity sake’ but to make sure that our churches are as Christ like as possible therefore if they are diverse than…well, they are diverse. We all have more we can learn upon this very important topic, and in the coming days I would like to use my voice to help bridge some understanding upon these matters.
Why I am an Evangelist?
It is not my desire to answer for every evangelist in the world, but I want to be clear to any reader as to why I personally believe God has called me to the ministry of The Evangelist.
I have very good friends and mentors (surprisingly enough) who disagree with my premise here, and we are still ministry partners with great fellowship. This is not a litmus test for fellowship, however I do believe both sides of the argument can be more gracious to the other.
Evangelist by definition is a “proclaimer of the Gospel.”
Evangelist is a legitimate gift to the local church in Eph. 4.
The Gospel is the Death, Burial, & Resurrection of Jesus Christ. (I Cor. 15:3,4)
The Gospel is the Power of God unto Salvation. (Rom. 1:16)
The Gospel must be stood upon strongly. ( I Cor. 15:1)
We must be reminded often of the Gospel. (I Cor. 15:2)
Evangelist = Traveling Preacher
Pastor = Stationary Preacher
Missionary= Supported Preacher
In our Westernized mindset we like labels and we like things to fit into nice boxes with titles. Questions to consider…What do we call a Pastor Emeritus who travels and preaches a marriage conference? What do we call that pastor who preaches a friend’s Teen Camp? What do we call the Field Rep of a mission board who preaches a revival? Generally ‘the title’ given depends on their mode of transportation and what they are preaching on. We have to acknowledge that this is a pretty shallow standard. Semantics is not the point of this argument. I’m just asking why, if a person is obviously being used of God to help the body of Christ…must we become overwhelmingly defensive if we do not fully grasp which “box” he fits into?
The reality is that many evangelist have “burned’ pastors and churches. Instead of helping the church of God, they have actually hurt the mission of the pastor. This truly breaks my heart. In all fairness though, there have been unfortunate examples of pastors who have hurt the church and not helped the cause of Christ because of foolish decisions as well. My only counsel is please don’t disparage any office because of the MAN or a MAN.
Evangelist do dumb things…Pastors do dumb things…the Apostles did dumb things…however the office was never in jeopardy, only the character of the individual. Many churches have been hurt by the office of the evangelist, therefore, it causes me to sometimes think of other angles of how to present myself, but I will no longer flee from an office that I believe is Biblical and helpful to the body of Christ. Although on behalf of evangelists, I do sincerely apologize to those churches that have been hurt by the ignorance of one claiming to be an evangelist in the past.
Hell-fire Brimstone…Blow in, Blow up, Blow out,…Rip your face off preaching…all of these titles have become synonymous with the evangelist. Personally I do not like to be described in this way. Although I do not apologize for strong preaching, because part of proclaiming the Gospel is the condemning and showing the ugliness of sin and what it causes, and I will cry out against it. HOWEVER, that is only one part of the Good News. There is still the Resurrection, a person does not have to stay in that condemned state…victory has been provided through Jesus Christ. The common stereotype can be debunked if the evangelist’s message coincides with a life given to the complete Gospel.
I believe my primary focus centers around the preaching of the Gospel, BUT please do not limit the Gospel’s Applications. The arguments are often made that Evangelist (especially itinerant evangelist) just parade around the country preaching and that has nothing to do with the primary call. I can disagree and agree with that statement depending on context.
There are some ‘evangelist’ who view this ministry as a popularity contest or a means to continue a livelihood that they feel compelled to follow because of a previous model thereby resulting in arrogance behind the pulpit, badgering pastors and ministry leaders to maintain a livelihood. Some have simply become demanding human beings under the guise of being in Ephesians 4 BEFORE the pastor. I would like to publicly say, that this behavior is wrong, and it grieves me at my core. However, there are many who still do travel across the country with a spirit of humility with a Gospel Centered Message which is defined below.
I am asked “Adrian, why preach revivals, teen camps, VBS, missions conferences, instead of ONLY evangelistic events ONLY Friend Days, Love Your Neighbor Days etc..?” First I would say, I truly would love to schedule more solely evangelistic events however I do not feel I am short changing the Gospel by not preaching every message SOLELY upon the topic of Salvation by grace.
Let us not limit the power of the Gospel by viewing it only unilaterally.
You may say, “Adrian, this is simply a semantical word game!” I would emphatically say this is a MINDSET. This is why by nature I “avoid” certain topics. I beg God to make sure I am more “Gospel-y” then “Issue-y.” Do I preach upon issues? Yes, those that surround the Gospel.
For clarified understanding, I must give an example, therefore I will reiterate that this is MY conscious and MY reasoning of what I determine to preach on. I do not go to a church and preach on music philosophy, the intricacies of divorce and remarriage, or other matters that should be handled by the pastor. I have opinions on all, but that is NOT my message or job. The Pastor is the overseer of that flock and my job is already defined. Though it may be viewed on my part as cowardice, I find absolute liberty and security in faithfully executing what God has prescribed for me to do.