I pose a question to ministry leaders and influencers.
I pose a question to those who faithfully teach and preach the word of God to others.
Is it possible that we have become silent about prejudice within the church?
I hope in your church every person is welcome. No matter a persons color, status, or background. Since most churches would agree that philosophy is the DNA of their church, then many types of people would come walking through the doors. Let us say for example, that a person with a foul mouth comes to your church and that individual faithfully attended for years. Even though they are welcome to come, over the course of years and years eventually he may be uncomfortable because of the Biblical preaching that is directed toward a specific sin in their life. Though the preaching is not specifically targeting them, it is just bound to happen over the course of years of preaching that God will enable the man of God to preach concerning that specific area causing (uncomfortable) conviction. Whether he repents or not is between him and the Lord. HOWEVER the reason why I pose the above question is because there are many in Christian circles who sit VERY comfortable in churches and are blatant racist and prejudice people. I am very well aware of them because they use the N-word to me in church settings in private. I am not referring to ‘the fringe’ church member we are talking about leaders, teachers, and key lay people. If they have been in a church for 30 years or so, I must just ask, “Is the pulpit silent on these matters?” I admit, many times ignorance is on full display however practical teaching and helps need to be made.
A politically charged society concerning matters of racism may be the reason for the silence.
We must open our eyes to the reality, that it is possible that pulpits have been silent concerning our neighbor.