I believe we can all agree that the Gospel Message is what is most important, therefore we want NO distraction from something that is so important.
Over the past months there have been many conversations had and opinions shared about the current state of our nation. Pandemic and Racial Tensions have been on the forefront of most people’s minds. I believe it is prudent to have some bit of understanding of where our family stands on some of these issues in order to avoid someone being unintentionally offended and thus hindering the message of the Gospel going forth with clarity.
Before you read the below list, please understand this is not a post that tries to persuade any person to a position nor do I seek to argue my positions. Everything below is a personal decision, and as the leader of my home, I try to make the best decisions as it relates to my family. The most hurtful thing EVER said to my family was said by a lady in absolute ignorance. This ‘FYI message’ is simply an attempt to help us both to be sensitive to another brother and sister that the message of the Gospel would not be hindered.
Concerning the Pandemic
My family wears masks. We are well aware of the cautions that surround “mask wearing”. We do not blindly accept all that the media portrays; however, as a personal decision we wear them the majority of times in buildings. For some people in the community it is very much appreciated. Therefore, I see it as inconsistent to state that I would do anything to reach people for the cause of the Gospel and not be willing to wear a mask. I wear them for ourselves and to avoid possibly offending a brother.
My family does not shake hands or give hugs. Given the current climate of where we travel and the states we cover, we consider it prudent not to shake hands with anyone and specifically for our girls not to give hugs. We remain friendly and approachable but if we make one special exception then we will be inclined to make another.
Going to people’s homes will be on a case by case basis. It would be highly appreciated that if we are invited to anyone’s home (outside of the pastor or pastoral staff) that we would be given advanced notice.
Concerning Racial Tensions
I am an evangelist. I preach the Bible and Biblical principles and though I have passionate thoughts about the racial divide in our country, please understand that I strive to be absolutely Biblically based in ALL preaching and teaching.
On my personal YouTube page, I do post more in depth views of seeing racism through a Biblical lens. I do not make a habit of speaking on those issues specifically unless I am asked; however, preaching on any obstacle to the Gospel is still a very high priority.
I would appreciate a quick conversation with the pastor upon my arrival to make sure you understand where I am concerning some of these racially charged issues. I, as well, want to be sensitive to your people and the cultural context to which you minister. The quick conversation would help me to possibly decline some conversations with your members or be better equipped to be of help in these areas. Racial things are in the forefront of people’s minds, and I want to make sure I do not hurt the name and body of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I would like to think of myself as approachable. I would like to think that as brothers and sisters in Christ we could have ‘controversial’ conversations and still rely on the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to maintain a relationship. With that being stated, if there are any questions, please do not hesitate to clink the CONTACT US link and give me a call or “shoot”me a text or email. My prayer is that the body of Christ does not divide during any of these issues, but is drawn together!