Due to the public nature of our ministry, I thought is was appropriate to make the following announcement: As of yesterday, I have tested Positive for COVID. All the ministries that need to be contacted have been alerted.
I was in Nebraska when I felt the first symptoms. At the first sign that my symptoms were similar to COVID, I scheduled a test. During the times of my symptoms, I preached two more times. I was preaching a Racial Unity conference in a football field near Omaha. I literally walked on to the field to preach then I was escorted back to my vehicle. Thankfully, we were able to minimize my contact during such a unique event. Currently, we have canceled all meetings for the next 2 weeks and thankfully we have made the long trip home from Nebraska to NC safely. Tabitha and the girls have experienced no COVID symptoms and we are praying that it remains that way.
I am 99% sure I know where I was infected with COVID, although that does not reverse it affects, it does bring me some understanding that when the proper safety protocols are in place and practiced we have not been in any compromised health situations, however when health guidelines are not followed we do see the obvious result. With that being said, I just wanted to encourage those who are following certain protocols to keep on doing it…IT IS WORTH IT!
I am thankful that as of today, I am feeling much better than I was early this week. My main symptoms were fever, chills, nausea, extreme fatigue and occasional shortness of breath. My case has been mild in comparison to others who have had tremendous obstacles to overcome. I believe God is sovereign and 2020 is not causing God any confusion. The meetings we have scheduled in the remainder of 2020 are in the Lord’s Hands and we are going to be as wise as possible navigating how the rest of the year works for us. Thank you for the continued prayers for our family.