Pensacola Christian College

Well the next stop is Pensacola, FL to the campus of Pensacola Christian College to preach chapel services on Monday and Tuesday of next week. God has been good to provide what we need even though we have not been preaching anywhere consistently for a little while. We still hope your prayer support is still with us as we fly out tomorrow for FL!


AND ON another important topic, ITS A GIRL!!! My wife's appointment yesterday was highly exciting as we found out the gender of our little baby. Lord willing, Jasmine Adriana will be with us Feb. 1!!


Since many of the long trips are behind, we are able to stay closer around the area and get involved in our church here in Newport by teaching Sunday school, preaching chapel, and teaching Christian school classes. My wife has certainly enjoyed it since now she is now officially 5 months along now!!

Thankfully the baby is doing great and all things have going very well. God has certainly blessed for sure! Thank you for your continued prayers for her as we have our next appt. next week!!



Camp Willow Run Wrap Up

Last week the Lord gave us the opportunity to be a Camp Willow Run where we did have a profitable time. The camp's original design was incredibly intriguing. The beautiful Lake Gaston view is prominent as you make your way on to the property, but what is the most original is that the cabins are actual railroad cars. The boxcars are remodeled on the inside and on the outside they maintain their rustic look. It was quite neat.  

Well besides the scenery and all of the place the Lord blessed with 4 souls receiving Christ. God gave boldness as I preached to the young people gathered. There were about 133 and it was the High School Class of Faith Christian School. Thank the Lord for the opportunities He allows for us to serve Him.

Now we made it back home and it is all about packing, packing, packing. Pray for us as we try to  be out of our house now by Sat. Sept. 25th.




Here these past recent days we have been moving. Moving out of New Bern, NC all the way over to Morehead City, NC. Even though it is the difference of about 16 miles it still takes the same measure of work to get moved over there. We are trying to be gone by the end of the month so do pray that all will come together for that!!

But now for preaching news, we are headed out to Camp Willow Run for a 3 day youth retreat for Faith Christian School. We are looking forward to see what God is going to do. 

Please pray for my wife and her pregnancy as well as the daughter of a good Pastor friend of mine, she is having complications in her pregnancy. If you could keep both in prayer I would definitely appreciate it!!  

Church Anniversary

This past weekend thankfully we had a great service in Wilson, NC at Bethel Baptist Church. This is my father-in-law's church, Pastor Leon Lucas. My wife was singing during the services and we just helped wherever possible. It was great to visit with family after many months of travel. Well, this week we will Lord willing will be able to find out the gender of the baby. We are very highly anticipating that. 

Please pray as this week, I will be getting the house that we are getting ready to move into ready to go. Anybody that has moved knows the "joys" that goes into it all, do pray all goes smoothly!!


We are presently in OH preaching at Monclova Road Baptist Church and very much enjoying the kind and generous people here! While spending some time in the hotel I did figure up some stats that are from this past summer.



114.3 miles a day or 780 miles per weekend

Preached 54 times

3 people being saved every 48 hours

God is sooo good! thank you for your prayers as we continue to serve Him.

A Little R&R and Now Back on the Road

The summer's demand physically and spiritually definitely called for a little rest. Thankfully me and my wife have had some time to rest and get caught up on things that we have not done for ourselves because of all the travel. 

Tomorrow we head for Maumme, OH and get ready to do a Back to School Revival for the Monclova Road Baptist Church with Pastor Merrin. We are looking forward to it and excited that my wife will be able to join me as well.

Pray for my wife and her pregnancy please! Things have been progressing fine but still want to solicit prayers whenever possible. Praise the Lord on September 9th Lord willing we will find out the gender of the baby!!


Throughout and before the summer, it has been our prayer for it to be evangelistic in nature. We thank God for the opportunity to announce that there have 124 SAVED from the first week of June to the beginning of August. GLORY TO GOD!!! It has been a trying summer with many ups and downs but God has showed Himself faithful.

Pray for us still as we have a little time to gather our bearings at home and then hit the road for OH for a Back to School Revival coming up at the end of August!!

Prayer Letter Aug. '10

Dear Family in Christ:

    The summer time has proven once again to be the busiest time of the year, yet the most blessed. During this summer we have been preaching all over the country via camps, Vacation Bible Schools, youth rallies, and church revivals. The prayers of God’s people have been very evident. We are happy to report to our prayer and financial supporters that as of  today there have been 104 precious  souls that have been brought to Christ. This is a very special answer to prayer since we had prayed for the summer to be extremely evangelistic in nature. A simple letter cannot encapsulate all the exciting stories that go into a summer such as this, but nevertheless it can be summed up by saying, “God is still doing a work in this land today!”

     Exciting changes are happening all the time personally, as well as, within the ministry. On the personal side, my wife and I are very happy to announce that we are expecting our first child on February 1. God has blessed and enabled my wife to continue to travel with me during her pregnancy. However, please keep her and the baby in special prayer that it will be a safe pregnancy and a delivery free from complications. There is also expansion on the ministry side. Many churches have already scheduled "Back to School Revivals" for their Christian schools, as well as, Fall teen rallies, to keep the fire hot within their youth groups. There is also a new program starting soon within the ministry called S.T.R.O.N.G.(Supporting Training Reclaiming Our Next Generation) Youth Ministries. More information concerning this exciting new aspect of our ministry will be available soon; therefore please start praying now, as it is our prayer that God use the ministry to not only reach the next generation but train the next generation in the things of God. 

     The Lord has seen fit to provide for the ministry in various ways for which I am very thankful, however, overseas trips and other equipment for campaigns cost a great deal.  I would count it a great opportunity and privilege not only to be able to hold a revival or youth campaign at your church but also to further explain the ministry that God has placed on my heart via a missions conference or a regular church service.  As David said in I Samuel 17:29, “Is there not a cause?” I challenge you to examine the youth in your church, in your community, are they on their way to being the Christian leaders that we need for the future?  The need is there, we simply need your help.  We look forward to hearing from you.  Thank you so much for your time and consideration.  May the Lord bless you!

Thank You

Sending Church:                                                                                                                                                                          Adrian Burden

Grace Baptist Church                                                                                                                                                                                              520 Roberts Road Newport, NC 28570


We just came from the doctor yesterday and Praise the Lord we are looking forward to having a child. We do not know the gender yet, but Lord willing it will be January 20.

Please pray as there have been some serious complications that have worried us for a little while, but they have seen to have subsided. We know the Lord is in control and we appreciate to know that you are praying for us.

We are home till the end of the week before heading out again at the end of the week to Savannah, GA.

27 SAVED!!!

I am a mix of exhausted and excited but Praise the Lord about 27 souls have been saved this week making that the first 4 weeks of the summer that 104 souls have been saved!!

Glory goes to the Lord and now we head back to NC for a doctor's visit for my wife!!! Keep us in prayer!! We are definitely on the firing line and are need of prayers often!!

Post LAND O LAKES and now OH

Praise the Lord, thankfully we are now in OH after a 1100 mile drive. At the end of Land O Lakes there was over 524 young people and 98 saved!! God blessed the work and prayers of the people of that church.

Now we are in OH starting a Teen and Kids VBS where thankfully a Catholic teenager girl has already been saved. Keep us in prayer as the Devil is really fighting me and my wife hard, but we are by faith claiming the victory!!

Land O Lakes

Praise the Lord that in the past two and half weeks that 70 young people have trusted Christ for salvation as a result of the Vacation Bible School!! 

That is a blessing, God is answering prayer and this indeed has been an evangelistic summer indeed!!

We are now in central Florida where we are working with the teenagers for their VBS. There were about 70 in the program and about 450 kids!!! Its a large one and God is saving souls!!

Continue to pray as things are getting more and more interesting with all the challenges a summer brings!! 


PRAISE THE LORD!! For an incredible week of VBS in the small town of Somerville, AL. The goal this week was 200 young people for the kids rally. We did a teen rally in the evening time with the teenagers as well. So needless to say it was an incredibly busy week.

Me, my wife and David Corn led the rally time, games, activities, and Bible stories. Many people of the church helped with all the other needs as well and God blessed and there were 250 kids enrolled for the week, the final day high attendance was 188 and

Praise the Lord there were 33 kids and teenagers saved!!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers!! 

We are now in Land 'O Lakes getting ready for another great week!!

The Georgia Report

As said many times before the summer is extremely busy, but also extremely fruitful. Praise the Lord last week we were in La Grange, GA and the Lord blessed with an incredible VBS out there. 

There were 32 kids and teenagers saved. And on one night in particular me and my wife were both able to lead teenagers to the Lord as well. It was a rejoicing and phenomenal time.

We have now made our way to Somerville, AL where we had over 150 kids and teenagers today and many more who plan to come. Wow, God has been good and has answered our prayers concerning this being an evangelistic summer. 

Pray God gives us energy we dont have and power from on high to do His will.



As of about one week ago we have officially hit the road. The packing and all of the chaos of getting ready is finally over and now the reality of the summer has hit. We are presently in LaGrange, GA at Oakside Baptist Church where last night Praise the Lord we saw 80 kids and teenagers come on out for the youth rally. There have already been 5 teenagers go back for salvation decisions!!! The Lord has been blessing here and we give Him the glory for it!!

I had the unique opportunity to be interviewed on the local radio station about "Working with Young People of this generation" it was a blessing to have that opportunity and share with WOAK radio listeners about it all!!

We apologize for the lack of updates, the summer is still very busy but Lord willing we will keep every aspect of the Lord's hand moving updated!!

Thank you for your prayers

Wilson Trip

Well after many months my wife's brother has returned from Afghanistan safely, Thank the Lord! We had the opportunity to go and visit him and his family this past weekend in Wilson, NC. 

While there I preached at my father in laws church out there, Bethel Baptist Church. Thank the Lord for the opportunity to be able to preach out there and God certainly blessed the services!! 

Pray for us still as even though were home we are busily working away at all of the things that need to be accomplished before rush of summer responsibility comes on us.