Preaching and Visiting family

Wow!! how the time has flown and its been great to be back in Pensacola, FL. This has been a little of a reunion for us since my mother and little brother live in Pensacola and had not seen the baby before last week. We have talking laughing and just having a great time with each other. 

In the midst of it as well the Lord blessed as I preached in Decatur Baptist Church on Suday of last week and also and yesterday we were back in my old stomping grounds of Mobile, AL with Pastor Keith. That church means alot to me and I guess you could see why if you read the "ABOUT ME" section of my website. God has blessed our family and good to see where God has brought all of us.

But now its back on the road as we head to Christ Church in Houston, Texas!! Pray for us!

Revival in Dugspur,VA

Well outside our window right now is open land, cow pastures, and barns. There is a reason why you may never had heard of Dugspur, VA, BUT there are people here. Very hospitable and nice people but lost people. My whole family is back on the road now, heading up and down the highways in revival meetings across the nation. And Dugspur, VA is the first stop of many on this 2 months excursion. This will be little Jamsine's initiaion into evangelism travel. 

Calvary Bible Church under the pastoral leadership of Pastor Johnathan LaMontagne has been recently emphasizing the importance of soul winning and being a soul winning church. This revival thus far has definitley been that, God has been moving in hearts and it has been amazing to see, people having a renewed focus for the souls of men. 

Please keep us in prayer as this meeting contiunes to Wednesday evening that God will do a great work. 

Revival in Albion, IN

This past week I was privileged to be up in the snowy north country of Albion, Indiana. It was cold and was still snowing even after my arrival. But amist the snowy and cold outside inside God was warming the hearts of His people.

God met with us and there was a definite stirring of His Spirit. This was a unique situation since revivals were not as prevelant in this part of the country as they were in other places. The warmth of the members and the pastor made me feel right at home, which put me at ease when it Me and Pastor Keenan and Sidney       was time to break the Bread of Life. 

I met some definite friends and looked forward to the opportunity to be able to come back by again!  Thank you for your prayers

Time to Get Packed Up Again

Well, Praise the Lord for the last meeting being such a blessing and a help to many young people. BUT we cannot rely on past successes to acheive future goals, therefore I am praying for the Lord's annoiting this coming week as I will be preaching a revival in Indiana.

Unfortunately my wife and daughter will again have to stay behind, but Lord willing this will be the last time that they have to do such. Our prayer is that we are able to travel together as a family by mid March. Jasmine is doing great so far on little trips (2hours) But she will be getting the ultimate road test this spring!

Keep us in prayer and pray that we see a mighty moving of the Hand of God.


Anonymous Letter From a Teen at the Snow Camp

Brother Burden,                                                                                            

I'm writing to say thank you. Your message changed my life. Your invitation requested those who have decided to fully give our lives to Christ to stand in front of everyone, alongside yourself. My heart palipated from my chest. It would be a lie to myself and God to stand among the others. 

After the message, I found a dark room where God and I would talk for a long time. That night was the night I ripped my heart out, threw it on the table, and walked away. I doesn't belong to me anymore.

Thank you for helping me do that. I will never be the same.

Love in Christ



What an amazing weekend this past weekend. I had to leave my wife and precious little daughter behind at my in-law's home while I flew to MI to be a part of a great weekend of snow camp.

Many churches in the MI and OH area were represented at snow camp this year. It was great to see the Lord work in many of the teenagers hearts. But there was no night quite like Friday night. The service started at 6:45 and lasted for 3 hours. Not because I preached long but because many teenagers did not leave the auditorium till they had made things right with the Lord. The tears were abundant, the kneeling in earnest prayer was everywhere, it was just a time when you could honestly say, we have met with the Lord!!

At the end 2 were saved and 187  teens fully gave their heart to the Lord to do whatever He would have them to do!! After the initial decisons many called parents and made things right, one actually took his laptop and smashed it so the temptation of porn would be gone, and many more amazing spirtual breakthroughs!!

Thank you for your prayers!! God bless and please pray for these teenagers as well!!


Praise the Lord we all made it home yesterday. We had a follow up appointment because of Jasmine's high levels of Jaundice located. Please continue to pray that her levels do not continue to rise. She was in an incubator and under the lights 2 nights ago and we are hoping and praying no more procedures like that will have to continue. 

Thank you for your prayers


Even though the days for the baby are drawing rapidly here, there was still a trial that awaited us this past week that was not baby related. This past week the Devil has been fighting me physically with the flu and an allergic reaction that landed me in the hospital as well. Recovery is still taking time, but thank the Lord my wife has not contracted anything causing any complications. We are praying this is the last bug that is going around, since it has been a trying week. 

Please continue to keep us in prayer as its just a matter of time before Lord willing Baby Jasmine arrives!!


Sorry for the earlier entry, that had some mechanical error there. But God blessed the meeting in Cleveland, OH. It was great meeting and being with Pastor Foldger and his church staff. Preaching at the Heritage Christian Academy was a great blessing and was stunned to see the response of the young people. God moved in the midst and many were getting things right with their authority figures. What a blessing, to see teens put to work what was just preached the day before.

Now we are home in NC to SNOW yes SNOW on the beach of NC. It has been a crazy winter this but Praise the Lord I was able to fly home before all the snow came.

Please continue to pray for my wife as the due date comes closer and closer, Feb. 1st is the date but its not looking like she might make until then. Thank the Lord though in the meantime God has provided through baby showers, generous loved ones and others to get all the necessary things we need for the baby! God bless you all!!

Thanks you so much for your love and support the ministry



Christmas Already...

I want to say a special Merry Christmas to all those faithful prayer and financial supporters.

Its been quite a year of transition of furthering the ministry, preparing for fatherhood, moving from place to place, etc.., but we would not change this year for the world. The Lord has grown us and taught us so many things during these times.

The meeting in Wilson, NC at the staff banquet of Wilson Christian Academy was a blessing indeed. The cordial reception made it very easy to relax and preach as well. God was good during the meeting.

Now we are back home doing as most our doing awaiting the visits of family and loved ones. Many are coming to us since my wife is 6 weeks from her due date she is not traveling much these days.

  Please pray as the new year unfolds many more opportunities. The beginning of January Lord willing, I will be heading for Cleveland Baptist Church with Pastor Folger for the kick off to their Christian school second semester.

Merry Christmas


Thank the Lord for another fabulous weekend. The youth meeting was held in Columbus, GA with Pastor Jeff Amsbaugh and the great people of Grace Baptist Church. 

The church is in the midst of a neighborhood where they bus many many young people to church. Yesterday was unique youth rally that was definitely evangelistic in nature. Last year it was held at a theater where we had over 500 teens there and 40 about spoke with counselors about salvation. This year the facility was not available, but the Lord still blessed we had about 80 or so in attendance and about a dozen went back during the invitation. I have not got all the results from the personal workers as of yet, but that is what I know as of now. Thank you so much for your prayers.

I'm flying back to NC as I type this update getting ready to land in Raleigh at 2:00 to preach at 5:00 in Wilson, NC. Keep us in prayer please!!!

God Bless!


Well, its time to back on the road again. My wife is now 31 weeks along and definitely ready for the baby to go ahead and come on out. The plane ride to TN she is still planning to come along.

We are looking forward to being with Pastor Jerry King of True Gospel Baptist Church. I was there about a year ago and was truly blessed with the warm reception and evangelistic heart they have there in TN.

As seen on the map it is a ways out there, so please pray for our safety and that God will use us on this special day they are having this Sunday!!



Scheduling for next summer is now!! We have been busily working on different activities and curriculum for upcoming events. It has been mental gymnastics of putting all of our activities and schedules on paper. 

During the November months things have slowed down considerably meeting-wise, but we have not been idle. My wife has been busy with baby appointments and when I am not working on various ministry things I have been in knee deep with work from a nearby contractor. 

The Lord has seen fit to provide our needs in various ways and working with a contractor has been one of them. A full itinerary is what we are praying for, but in the meantime we are happy to be in his service and plan to be faithful to Him!!


Well, we have been busy, busy, we finally got EVERYTHING moved in and settled in our new place in Morehead City, and my wife is enjoying the time of not being enclosed in a vehicle during her pregnancy. Even though we have been home for a bit today is the first day we just plan to "have a Saturday" We still are taking part in the music and speaking at funeral service later on today but after that we plan to just take it easy.

Over the past days we have stilled been preaching at least twice a week, working in the bus ministry and whatever other area we can plug into exactly to help out the church. God has been good and we have thoroughly enjoyed out time at home. But it wont be too long before we hit the road once again, and get to preaching all over.

Please keep my wife's pregnancy still in prayer, things are going well but we are still praying for no complications whatsoever. And please pray for S.T.R.O.N.G. Youth Ministries that God would use it for His honor and glory. Also pray that  I can get back into school mode as I am working on Doctorate of Theology as well. Thank you so much


Praise the Lord for this REVIVAL Meeting. Many meetings we are involved in I would consider to be evangelistic in nature, but this one is definitely one with the touch of God upon it and Revival is the focus.

Dr. Bob Hamblien has been doing a series on "Where God meets with His People" and I have been doing a series on "The Difference Between a Good Christian and a Great Christian" and God has used both to touch the hearts of the great people here at Antrim Faith Baptist Church including my own.

Pray for us because there is still one night left and we are anxious to see the power of God come down.

PA Revival

Well time waits for no man, it has been a busy last week or so for the Burden's for sure. We just got back from FL and I was on the radio station for FBN radio for their Fall Share-A-thon. It was a pleasure to get behind the mics there at my home church. 

It was also a great opportunity to go preach at Calvary Christian School in New Bern, NC as well earlier today as well. God is opening doors and we are happy to continue to step through them. 

Now we are packing away to head for Waynesboro, PA to Antrim Faith Baptist Church with Pastor Busik. We were there earlier this year and now it is an honor to be able to come back and be a part of their revival. Their website is If you can come join us this next week!! 

Please continue to keep us in prayer!!