Western Excursion Begins..

The Burden Family has set out a 3 months excursion. We left Edenton, NC about 2 weeks ago and we plan on seeing home again Lord willing in May. The states we are heading to range from FL to AZ to VT, so basically the entire country. The Lord has been so gracious to us to open so many doors of opportunity to us. 

Our major prayer requests center around the Missions Trip to Honduras we are planning for this August. Lord willing. We have 3 churches represented at this point, and looking forward to see what the Lord is going to do through the missions group.

Also please pray for Jasmine who has been sick recently, but still has been a trooper in the midst of sleeping in 4 different beds in 4 different states this week alone!

Keep us in your prayers, God bless! 

The picture to the right is from Jasmine's 3rd birthday party

2013 Wrap Up

A year ago today, overseas ministry was a dream, a goal, a hope, but the Lord has blessed 'above and beyond' our expectations. Since that point the Lord has granted me the opportunity to not only go overseas for my first Mission Trip but also to preach my first overseas Revival in La Esperanza, Honduras. This past year could almost be categorized as the "Honduras Year" 

Not only did the Lord give us that opportunity, but He has continued to 'expand our coasts' allowing me to preach behind 50 different pulpits this year alone. What a blessing to be just be counted in His service. 

We have seen this year folks committing to Christ, families drawn closer during revival campaigns, teens mending the relationships with authority figures, and of course to see around 200 people that we know of that accept Christ as their Savior! 

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We are thankful for individual supporters, church supporters, as well as prayer supporters of the ministry. These miles could not be traveled nor these messages be preached without the prayers of God's people! So from the bottom of our hearts we say, Thank You!

Fall Update

Dear Praying Friends, 


We have had a very intense summer, but extremely rewarding! As far as we know, 103 teens, adults and kids have been saved! We’ve traveled to Tennessee, West Virginia, Florida, Illinois, North Carolina, Missouri, Kansas,Georgia, Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania. That’s over 7,000 miles!

We have had the privilege this summer to have a part in several VBS and Bible Camps. We had a special blessing at the VBS in Ohio. A little boy got saved the first night (Monday), then came back the next night, went forward again during the invitation, found the personal worker who had led him to the Lord, and asked, “Can you come and tell my two-year-old brother how to be saved, so he can go to heaven?” It was so sweet to see how he understood, and already had a burden on his heart for his little brother!

Also at this same VBS, a mom came because her kids kept begging her to come. She listened to the message, and got saved in the back after the invitation!

So we’ve definitely seen the Lord do some incredible things during the summer, as well as great decisions made by teens at camp, especially at Camp Peniel in Ohio.


We just finished a Missions Conference in Shrewsbury, PA, as well as revivals in Rhode Island and New York. What a blessing to see 9 teens saved during the Rhode Island Teen Extreme Youth Rally!

We flew out of Fayetteville, NC on the 5th headed to La Esperanza, Honduras, and will be flying back to the States on the 12th. While in Honduras I will be preaching revival services for Missionary Ronnie Doss. Please pray for Bro. Ronnie and his ministry in Honduras.

Please continue to pray for Jasmine. We found out her seizure was a febrile seizure and, thankfully, she hasn’t had a fever that high again. She is doing great, but please keep praying for her.


We have revivals scheduled in North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Ohio coming up, as well as chapel services at Ambassador Baptist College later in November.

Thank you for continuing to pray for us as we strive to serve the Lord. 


Burden Update

Well another summer has quickly come and gone and we give all glory to God for the over 100 saved during this summer alone!! The days have been busy, the trials have been various, but God has been consistent and He brought forth the increase. Now that summer has calmed down the fall schedule looks us right in the eyes and we are looking forward to ministering from as far north as Vermont all the way back to our home in NC. 


The plane tickets have been purchased and Lord willing my wife and I will be heading to Honduras on October 5. Pray for us and the revival we will be preaching in La Esperanza. The clothing drive is still in progress and we are presently collecting items for the people there. Lord willing after my wife's and I trip we will be able to be more specific concerning the needs of Honduras as well as more specific times of pick up for the clothing for Honduras.  Our revival schedule is at our itinerary link and since its always changing we are looking for the right times to get down there to get the materials to Alabama and then off to Honduras!


Mission Trip Needs

As we begin to prepare for our trip to Honduras there were some items the missionary requested of us last time we were there. For a missionary coming back to the states for a total of 2 months in the past 23 years, I was pretty inclined to do everything to fulfill their requests. This is a list of some of them and if you have these things or could get these things and send them to us before the end of the month that would be an enormous blessing to him and his wife especially.  If you a desire to be involved there is a "DONATE" button that can be used as well for monetary donations toward an item or items.   

Personal Items Requested: 

Bro. Doss- Peanut Butter, Oliver B Greene, Maze Jackson, and other old time Preaching CD's and Tapes. Music CD's of the Inspirations and Chuck Wagon's and similar genres

Mrs. Doss- She LOVES to read! Authors of T.Davis Bunn, Lori Wick, Jeanette Oake.  Because of her request I thought a Kindle would be very appropriate that was pre-loaded with many of her favorite titles 

Reading glasses, Reading light

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Again these are material items but also consider a card with just a note of encouragement. What a blessing it would be to a missionary or missionary wife to get a card just encouraging him or her in the Lord!

The address for any item can be sent to: 

Adrian Burden 901 West Queen Street Edenton, NC 27932


Summer Update

The summer is flying by and its already at the end of July. The Lord has filled our summer up with VBS's, Camps, and other youth rallies. Thankfully, in the ministries we have had part there have been over 80 kids, teens, and adults that have been saved. What a blessing!! and all glory belongs to the Lord!!


We have been from WV to FL to IL to NC to KS and now to GA for another VBS. Many miles and many blessings later the Burden family have seen the Devil fight so much in teens lives, but seen God give the victory to those teens who sought God's help for it.

Please keep us in prayer as we are only half way through our summer excursion and praying many more teens and kids come to know Christ!

Keep up with us daily on Facebook and Twitter for updates! 



March/April Update

PAST          What a fruitful. and rewarding last couple of months. As many know, the Lord opened the door for me to go to Honduras and work with Missionary Ronnie Doss as well as Missionary Matt Goins. It was a blessing to be able to preach at both locations, and it was a special blessing to see God work. On Friday night, a man who had made threats on Bro. Doss’ life came to the meeting that I was preaching and God used the message to convict him to the point where he made restitution with God as well as his pastor. After that event the national pastor requested if I would be willing to preach a revival in their village in the fall. I agreed with joy and am looking forward to ministering there in La Esperanza this October. Souls were saved as well on the trip for which we give God all the honor and glory for that.

PRESENT       Amidst the international travel, this has been the season for revivals. Our family has traveled from Oklahoma to Florida to Vermont and all in between. God has blessed with a GREAT spirit in each of them. I know it might be trite to say the meetings have gone well, but do understand there is no way that a prayer letter can convey God’s hand moving upon a congregation. During the Oklahoma revival it was encouraging to see a wife and husband saved during the revival then getting baptized and joining the church two weeks after we left. Praise the Lord! We had a particularly great revival in St. Albans, VT and Indiannapolis hearts were ripe and ready and there was great liberty to preach. We have prayed not to just “spin our wheels” in evangelism, but to see God work in amazing ways, and the Lord has answered that prayer for sure. 


FUTURE     Well with the summer drawing nigh, we look forward to a full summer of ministering to young people via VBS’s and camps etc. The Lord has opened doors for ministry all over from Kansas to Georgia to Michigan and all in between once again. This typically is a fruitful time of year concerning souls and we pray that would definitely be the case this year as well. Also the Lord has opened doors for international travel for not only in Honduras but also in Hong Kong and Fiji and we hope by the grace of God we will have the opportunity to be involved with those places. 

Post Mission Trip and Revival

Well, I'm back in the good ol' USA and so thankful for the great land for which I call home. The Lord has burdened my heart for missions in an unexplainable way to which I'm thankful yet the responsibility is great. While in Honduras I worked with missionary named Ronnie Doss and the Central American Mission. I have got a website designed for them at the "CAM" link that describes the work and ministry of Bro. Doss. Please take time to visit and catch the vision of what's happening in Honduras. ​

Well, now we are in Vermont at Northside Baptist Church in St. Albans and loving being here at this mission minded and mission hearted church under the leadership of Pastor Patterson and Pastor Dan Frost. We are midway through and looking forward to the remainder of the week.

Before that we were at the Amazing Grace Baptist Church with Pastor John Burton who were so helpful in our mission trip and just simply being an encouragement to our family. The revival services there really centered around reaching out and training the next generation as well as missions missions and missions. God's presence was evident throughout the meeting. 

Keep on praying as we are in CT, VT, and NY area for the next week or so...​

Honduras Update

Wow, what a trip it has been thus far. I have internet and I'm in El Progresso, Honduras with this update. It has been an incredible journey thus far. Pastor Chris Birkholz of New Hope Baptist Church in Torrington, CT and I have been traveling together on this trip to see the works here in Honduras. We just finished preaching in La Esperanza near Santa Rosa with Missionary Ronnie Doss. He's been on the mission field for around 23 years and has already started 22 churches, a Bible Institute, and an orphanage with around 130 kids as well. The work there is phenomenal, and I was thrilled to have a part in it. The Lord blessed with an opportunity to preach two different times. The last time I was able to preach there, there was a man who had threatened the life of Bro. Ronnie who was present at the service and the next morning after the service he was under conviction got things right with Bro. Ronnie. It was such a blessing to see God work in that way!

After many more incredible provisions and experiences we headed to El Pregresso with Missionary Matt Goins. I had the opportunity to preach the Sunday morning services and a youth activity at Iglesia Bautista El Faro. We are in the process of visiting Hope Children's Home here in Honduras under the leadership of the Coates family!

Please continue to pray for us, during our visit here in Honduras!!


​The long awaited time has come, God has opened the door to go to Honduras next week with Pastor Chris Birkholz and Team Honduras. In short we will be ministring in the 2 orphanages as well as the local churches in the area. In the ministry of evangelism it is my joy to not only proclaim the gospel here, but into the regions beyond. Be in Prayer for us March 5-14th!!

Some ask HOW CAN I HELP?​ 

1. Obviously, one can I pray, and I hope no one neglects that urgent matter!​

2. I'm taking a free bag with me to take to the orphans, I'll be taking toothbrushes, hair ties, small toys, candy and whatever for the kids while there.​

3. Finances always can be used, and every penny will go toward the missionaries and the orphanage work. Any donation given through the "PAYPAL" link under the "CONTACT US" section will be used for that express purpose!! Or message us, with what items you could send us to be used on this trip. ​

Thank you so much for taking time and interest into this matter!! God Bless!​

Information of the Missionaries were going to be with...​


Past, Present, Future



     At the beginning of a new year, we reflect on God’s blessings of the past year and we rejoice and give Him all the glory. We give him the glory for the 100+ saved last year during the revivals, retreats, and camps, we give Him the glory for our new 40’ Cardinal 5th Wheel Trailer, we give Him glory for opportunities of ministry spanning nearly from coast to coast, we give Him the glory for it all. 


      At the end of last year, the Lord laid an ever increasing burden upon my heart for overseas ministry. I’ve always had the desire, and I always talked about it but never made definite plans to do any of it. Well, that has changed. The Lord has opened the doors for evangelistic campaigns worldwide and I will be heading to Honduras in March for such a trip. The exact dates are March 5th-12th and I ask for your prayers for that trip. But before that trip the Burden Family will be traveling from Oklahoma City to Vermont down to Florida and all in between. Please be in prayer for the meetings and evangelistic campaigns we will be involved in during those times.


     Because of the overseas ministry aspect, we have been scheduling Missions Conferences for support purposes. We are not seeking full support since we live off of our love offerings, but we are seeking the Lord through His people to consider Burden Ministries for support. Please keep that a matter of prayer for us, specifically that we can continue the oversea aspect of ministry.

January 2013


As a brand new year dawns, we are reminded of quick life passes us by! Therefore we are encouraged to set goals and pursue after endeavors like never before. At the end of last year, the Lord was directing our hearts in a very definite direction of overseas ministry. We announced these prayer requests to our home church of Immanuel Baptist Church of Edenton, NC 

1. For the Lord to open a door of International ministry before the end of the year

2. Monthly Support from churches in the upcoming year

3. For a truck to pull our trailer before the end of the calendar year

The Lord has been meeting needs already. Lord willing I will be heading to Honduras in the next few months for a mission trip. (more details to come) Also the Hampton Road Ind Baptist Church of Hampton Roads, VA with Pastor Roger Sebrall took us on for support! Praise the Lord. What a great start to this year, and please pray with us about the above matters as well!

End of Year Reflections and Goals for a New Year

Dear Praying  Friends,


During the beautiful Christmas season, we rejoice greatly over a wonderful year of ministry. The Lord has opened doors of ministry literally from coast to coast. Many thousands of miles have been traveled by air, car, bus, and even train, but we are not just on any extended vacation, we have been blessed to have personally seen around 150 souls come to know Christ. Whether they walked down an aisle or met at their door or came after a service it was such a blessing to watch God's do a miraculous work in their life.

People being saved is my heartbeat, but this year more than ever, I have had such a passion to see Christians give their all for the Lord.   I have realized there will be people that I can never reach that some of the teens and others that have been ministered to are able to reach. We have watched God do some amazing things, as folks decided to quit living the mediocre Christian life and go forward.

I've done much praying concerning, my role in evangelism!  An evangelist simply is one that is a  proclaimer of the gospel obviously all Christians are to do this, but God specially equips and burdens an evangelist to "aggressively" pursue those with the Gospel.

With the opportunity to preach to literally thousands this year alone, my heart still aches for those overseas. God has blessed us mightily in evangelism, many have been saved and other great things have been accomplished, but I know the Lord wants more from me.

Many would say, "Adrian, you are doing 'well' in evangelism, why would you 'rock the boat' Something must change, I've discussed overseas, been burdened about overseas, but now its time to take a step of faith. My family is getting their passports, and we are ready for God to not only use us here in the states but also overseas. 

 There are places that we have been invited, yet have not had peace nor finances to go as of yet. 


Financially in evangelism we simply live off of our love offerings, some churches take us on for support, but mainly love offerings are our livelihood.  In the coming year, I'm asking to present the work of what we do now and Lord willing what we will do in Missions Conferences and other avenues to see the need of evangelism here and around the world . Monthly support would ease the pressure of going overseas for long periods of time. The current evangelism model is 'you preach you eat'  It's pretty simple, but the truth is pretty much there. Monthly support could allow us to go overseas without fear of canceling a meeting that could potentially meet our physical needs.

Being young in evangelism, I thought it quite noble to never voice a need, but I have come to find that its really a altered form of pride. I do not think all business should be open, but voicing needs for prayer and attention is something Paul did quite often. Would you please pray with us about this matter, and truly consider giving us an opportunity to help others see the ministry of Evangelism not just here but around the world.

May God richly bless you and your ministries!

Thanksgiving Holidays

As Thanksgiving draws to a close and Christmas is in the very near future, we should always have a moment to take note of how good God has been. We are so thankful for all His many blessings within our lives and specifically the meetings we have been privileged to be part of.


We returned before Thanksgiving from Yonkers, NY at Hudson View Baptist Church. When the revival began we understood that it was very much a hurting church with many needs. God was so gracious in giving us a sweet, sweet Spirit within the place. Folks had such a servants heart and attitude that was both flattering and humbling. The Lord met with us in the church services and in the Christian School area as well. Our departure came with some heartfelt goodbye's as we flew out on Thursday morning. Although it was not the meeting with many many saved and other breakthrough decisions, the Lord met needs there that week and we were glad to be His instruments in the process. 

Also we had the privilege to be at my Pastor's church where he was for 5 years before coming to Immanuel Baptist Church. It was Great Hope Christian Academy with Pastor Godfrey in Chesapeke, VA.

Do pray for us throughout the holiday season that we will be ministers of His truth while we are not traveling as extensively as we do during the regular calendar year.

A Testimony of a Teen

​A teen wrote this as their salvation testimony and it was given to me. Praise the Lord that He can use anybody!   S​ome areas of the notes have been removed for privacy purposes.


...For my junior year of high school I switched to __,a private school, every Friday we would have chapel and sometimes have visits from missionaries. Well one of the Friday's evangelist Adrien Burden came to visit our school that day while he preached I saw passion in his eyes I wanted that passion. He preached about things I never known before things I've done wrong and didn't know was wrong then he said, "Jesus loves you" words that I had surely heard before, but I didn't think anything of. But then I suddenly felt a connection , i felt happy yet sad at the same time I knew I had to find out more so as soon as he said,  "if you want to accept Jesus Christ as your savior raise your hand." my hand shot up and the rest was history..."

Summer Summary

Wow, what a whirlwind of a summer! Time has flown by for our family and probably for you there in ministry!  

The entire summer travel spanned from as far north as Vermont and New Hampshire and all the way down to FL and all in between! Praise the Lord though, from the VBS's, revival, and camps that we had opportunity to take part in there were around 90 saved this summer. All glory be to God! We just finished a 13 day preaching trip that consisted of 4,500 miles and preaching 20 times as well. The Lord has significantly opened more and more doors for ministry. 

Not only were many saved throughout the summer and beginning of fall, but more spiritual commitments were dealt with.

Literally scores making vows of purity, many staying accountable to their leaders for their cell phone usage, facebook, etc.., scores also who got right with their authority, teens surrendering to God's will, surrendering to attend a Christian college and the list goes on.

Many have written off the present generation, but there is so much more fruit and potential this generation offers, may we be faithful stewards of nurturing them along! 

A couple of prayer needs: 

-We thought we had a truck and though the plans were ready, the Lord closed the door. So we need a truck and praying for $6,000 for a truck that we have our eyes on. 

-Please pray for Jasmine and her asthma that seems to flare up at different times on the road. 

-Pray as well, as we hope to present the missions aspect of Burden Ministries at Missions Conferences to gain support to take the work overseas. Invitations abound and we would love to take part in these ministries.

God bless you for your support and prayer for our family!

Back to School Revival's, Moving and Much More

Much has transpired in the last month. After we left Vergennes, VT Camp we got a phone call to head over to Holyoke, MA to be with the good folks with of Mt. View Baptist Church with Pastor Corieria and Youth Pastor Stephen Miller. The work is tremendous! We loved being part of the work even if it was just for a Wednesday night. The Lord worked even at the prayer meeting. We look forward to be part of the ministry at a later date.<br>After Holyoke, the Lord opened the door for us to speak at the Campus Church Outreach Weekend via the Back to School Bash. With around 700 in attendance, the crowd was pretty pumped and excited concerning the day's events. Many were saved, even though I do not know the final numbers as of yet. It was such a privilege to preach and be part of the event.  It was also great to see old friends from college and seminary  days, and even more encouraging to see them  serving the Lord!!

After flying home from Pensacola we got to Hollywood, MD for a Back to School Revival of Victory Baptist Church. During the days I preached to the elementary, then to the teens, then in evenings preached to the whole audience. Needless to say it was busy as can be, but it was such a Spirit filled meeting. The Lord met with us each evening in a very real and special way. We very much appreciate the hard work the Brandenburg's and the other staff put into the meeting. God worked and we look forward to being there again in 2014 as well.

Now we are in Delray Beach, FL at West Park Baptist Church with Pastor Michael McClure and Chris Lewis and Johnson Glaude. Last night was the first night of the youth rally and with nearly 140 in attendance it was such a blessing and such an "easy group" to preach to. The spirit was right and receptive and the altars were filled at the end of the evening. 

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support for the ministry and for our family. God has met our needs and please pray with us about a truck that the Lord will open a door for us in that area.